Welcome to Bethel Baptist Church
Sunday Morning Worship 11am
Looking for a home church?
A church where you can belong,
a church where you are loved,
a church where you can be fed spiritually, and a church for ALL people!
We believe it's not about any one religion but it's all about a real relationship with God.
Meet Out Pastoral Staff
Our Pastors work awesome together to provide spiritual care to everyone that walks through our doors. Both of our Pastors minister into prisons, nursing homes, and hospitals.
Chris Wheeler
Pastor Chris loves the Lord with all his heart.
He also offers Tuesday's Bible Trivia with a Word of the Day on our Face Book page every week.
Email Pastor Chris:
Praise & Worship Services
The last Sunday of each month of the year will be our praise & worship service. Bonnie & Ron & our praise team leads us in our praise & worship service. We dedicate the last Sunday of each month to just praising our Lord with songs of praise the entire service. Please join us for this time of singing, praising & worshiping & lifting up the mighty name of JESUS. Come and be blessed.
ALL are welcome.
Easter Services
April 20th mark your calendar our Sunrise service will begin at 8am.
Afterwards we will enjoy breakfast together in our fellowship hall at 9am. If you are not able to join us at our sunrise service please join us for breakfast and bring family, neighbors, and friends.
Our regular Easter service will begin at 11am.
Celebrate with us the "Power of the Resurrection".
Family Fun Night
Join us May 24th - Sept 13th. 2025 Mark & Cheryl will be hosting Family Fun Night the last Saturday of the month beginning @ 5pm.
Join us for some pizza, & fellowship.
All are welcome.
Prayer Requests
Give it to God!
Email your prayer request and we will join with you in believing God together.
Praise Reports
Give it to God. God inhabits the praises of His people. Share your Praise reports with us so we can rejoice together.
Prison Ministry
We are sending in a lot of material for the men & women to read and to challenge their hearts & lives. Join us in prayer for them. We offer 57 different Bible correspondence courses free.
Ladies Conference
Ladies Conference
in 2025 will again be hosted by Yvonne Chasko.
More information will be coming. Please email or make your reservations with Lori@bethelbaptistcanton.com
This is a free ladies conference.
Please make your Reservations and bring a friend.
Info ?
If you have any questions please email us:
Dec 24 Candlelight Service 6pm
Christmas Eve @ 6pm please join us for a time of singing Christmas songs and celebrating our Saviors birth.
All R welcome.
Team member
Click here team members.